I'm calling this one Sriracha pickled Cauliflower and Beet Greens.
Beet Greens (cut from the beet or pinched while still in the ground)
Onion (thinly sliced)
Pure White Vinegar
Use whatever ratio of cauliflower to greens you like but a 1:1 sugar to vinegar ratio is what I used. The recipe I used to model this suggested a 2:1 sugar to vinegar ratio but it seemed too sweet for my liking. They also suggested 3 tablespoons of Sriracha but I used much more.
Set a large pot of water on the stove to boil.
Combine sugar and vinegar in a sauce pot on medium until the sugar dissolves into the vinegar. Add a good glug of Sriracha and take away from the heat source.
Dip the jar(s) into the boiling water bath, allow the water to drain, and then fill the empty jar(s) to the brim with your veggies. Carefully pour your pickling liquid into the jar(s) until all your veggies are completely covered. You may have to push the veggies down below the surface.
Twist the lid on (keep it loose for now), and let it cool down. Once cool(ish), tighten the lid and store in the fridge for a few days.
P.S. Check out my favorite internet comic, theoatmeal's page on Sriracha. Completely accurate, and hilarious.
that looks amazing! does it end up a bit like kim chi?